"I am absolutely alone."
After completing The Eye of Siva : White Blue & Gold Photographs I constructed some symmetrical photographs using selected images from the project. Though I liked the symmetrical photographs very much I was uncertain about how I could contextualize them within a new project, so I just waited for ideas to come. I did not have to wait long for direction. I received a poem via my email by Emily Dickinson about loneliness; then shortly thereafter I read the following words by the great modern-day yogic saint, Swami Muktananda, founder of the Siddha Yoga Path:
If God were asked "Why did you become so many" He would say "I don't understand what you are talking about. I never became many. I am absolutely alone." And that is absolutely the truth. ~ God appears to become something else only to one with wrong understanding. ~ He [God] is free, completely free from becoming. He always remains what He is. ~ He would tell you "I am ecstatically absorbed in My own being and I am not at all aware of the difference between evolution and involution, birth and death, worldliness and spirituality."
When you realize the final truth you don't see any process of becoming . . . You only see the one Supreme Being expanding in all directions. So wonderful is the Supreme Being, such is His power, so miraculous is His way of manifesting Himself, so marvelous is His Shakti [the Creative energy or Power of the universe] that though He appears to assume countless life forms, He does not become any of them. ~ Though He appears to undergo so many changes, He is far from change, being immutable.
Even when you are caught up in your worldly life and you lament and wail, take birth and die, even in that condition none of these can reach your pure inner nature, because your innermost Self, the core of your being is beyond all these.
I am always repeating that man is not man, woman is not woman--the apparent differences between man and woman are merely physical. Both are embodiments of the blue jewel which is present within them. ~ Most people think they are surrounded by the universe and they are insignificant creatures, that they are tiny drops in this vast universe. The truth is that the universe is a tiny drop in our heart. [The great yogic sage] Vasuguptacharya says that just as the vast banyan tree exists in a tiny seed . . . likewise, in the heart-seed countless universes dwell. from: Satsang with Baba : Questions and Answers with Swami Muktananda Vol. Three
The phrase "I am absolutely alone," reminded me of Dickinson's poem (which I have used in my Afterword to this project); and I remembered the title of a book by Henry Corbin: Alone with the Alone : Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi. As I reread Corbin's book I understood how to proceed with my next project, which would include the new symmetrical photographs, and the text materials from the sources I have just cited.
Following my presentation of the photographs, and a discussion of the texts , I have also included a rather extended series of commentaries on the photographs. Welcome to the project.
Following my presentation of the photographs, and a discussion of the texts , I have also included a rather extended series of commentaries on the photographs. Welcome to the project.
Eleven Blue
Symmetrical Photographs
(click on any image to enlarge it)
Eleven Blue
Symmetrical Photographs
(click on any image to enlarge it)