
Regarding Viewing my Online Photography Blog Projects

Regarding some possible options for 
Viewing My Photography Blog Project Images

I use a Mac (desktop) computer with Google's Chrome browser when I create my blog projects using Google's blog, named Blogger.com   Of course I also view the published blog projects--their images and texts--with the same equipment and the Chrome browser.

Blogger's default blog viewing page presents the published images and texts, on a white background, and you must scroll downward through the continuous display of text and images to see the entire content contained in the one project.  

The published blog images can often appear out of focus in varying degrees when viewed in the blog's default viewing mode (with the white background).  The image softness depends--as far as I can understand it--on the original file size of the tiff formatted image I needed to use to make high quality inkjet prints--usually 300 dpi or larger.  For publishing the image on Blogger, the file size had to be compressed into a 72 dpi jpg.  The degree of compression affest the way the image looks in Blogger's default presentation mode.   (The compression is even more of a problem for my symmetrical photographs)

Fortunately Google Blogger provides an alternate viewing mode (which I like very much) for the photographs I have published in my blog project.  To access the alternate viewing mode, I simply click once on a single published blog image with my desktop computer's cursor.  The image then switches the viewing mode from the white background to an all dark toned viewing space.  When I click a second time on the image it becomes magnified in size and appears significantly sharper, more luminous and very full in tonality . . . compared to what I see in the blog's default viewing mode (with white space surrounding the images and text).

I can fine tune image magnification with the zoom-in and zoom-out controls on my keyboard; and I can adjust screen illumination via keyboard controls to get the image looking perfectly on my particular computer's display screen. 


I hope that when you use your desktop or laptop computer for viewing my blog projects, and you click on the image once, then once again, you will see the image at its maximum image quality possible in a dark viewing environment.  However, if you click on the image and you do not get the dark background, and then, with the second click, you do not get the enlarged, high definition image . . .  it may be because of your computer and display unite, and/or it may be because you are not using Google's Chrome as your browser.  

I encourage you to consider downloading and installing Google's Chrome browser, and try viewing my blog projects with Chrome.  I am not certain this will help you in your particular situation, with your particular equipment, etc., but it is important to me that you see my images at maximum quality possible, thus I encourage you to give Chrome and see for yourself if that change in browser will work for you. 

Thank you.

Steven D. Foster
