This project explores Time --in its most transcendent sense-- through the juxtaposition of text excerpts and visual images. The text excerpts are from the published teachings of the world respected and beloved, fully realized Siddha Yoga Meditation Master, Gurumayi Chidvilasanada. Most of the texts were published by the SYDA Foundation in a book entitled Resonate With Stillness ~ Daily Contemplations. The ten photographs you will be seeing are what I call symmetrical images, and all of them--which were without question influenced by Gurumayi's teachings and her grace--function for me as as True, Living Symbols. Siddha Yoga Meditation is, indeed, a yoga of grace.
I have been practicing Siddha Yoga Meditation with Gurumayi since August, 1987 when my wife and I were invited to visit Shree Muktananda Ashram in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate New York by Gloria's sister who, by 1987, had been practicing Siddha Yoga for nearly ten years. In fact Gloria's sister first practiced Siddha Yoga Meditation with the founder of the Siddha Yoga Path, Swami Muktananda, who was Gurumayi's teacher. Later, when Muktananda went on his two world tours in the mid and late 1970's, Gurumayi served as his translator. After Muktananda passed away (in 1982) Gurumayi--with Muktananda's blessings and a special spiritual initiation he bestowed upon her just before he passed--became the living head of the Siddha Yoga Path.
Gloria's sister wanted us to meet Gurumayi in person and take a two day meditation intensive with her so we would be assured that Gurumayi was the "real thing." Both Gloria and I went to the ashram with some reluctance and an intention to protect her sister from a cult, to our great surprise experienced Gurumayi's grace during the intensive in very palpable, very powerful and profoundly meaningful ways. Indeed, we began practicing Siddha Yoga meditation immediately after leaving the ashram and have continued, to this very moment, practicing with Gurumayi with great, great gratitude for all that we have received from her and her unwavering state of Union or Oneness with God.
Every year, for more than thirty years, Gurumayi has been giving her global sangam a special teaching on New Year's Day which-as a world wide community--we would spend the rest of the year contemplating both on our own, and as a global sangam, via the the Siddha Yoga Website and various video, live streaming and other programs and courses offered via the website (which has become known, lovingly, as the "Universal Hall"). This year (2025) Gurumayi's theme was Time, and after her New Year's talk I immediately turned to her teachings on that theme in Resonate With Stillness - Daily Contemplations. The book is divided up into twelve thematic chapters, one for each month of the year and one teaching for each day of the year. October's theme, "Time is the Absolute" offers many wonderful teachings on Time by both Gurumayi and her teacher, Swami Muktananda. I have drawn many of the quotes in this project from Resonate With Stillness; all the rest are from issue #115 of Darshan, a SYDA Foundation publication that for many years was published monthly.
Contemplating the Siddha Yoga teachings by Gurumayi and Swami Muktananda in relation to photographs I have selected and presented amongst the teachings has become a very powerful grace-filled yogic practice for me. I have devoted much of my past 15 years of creating blog photography projects to the contemplation of the Siddha Yoga teachings, and placing my photographs in that context has been a way for me to look more deeply into my images and into my Self. (See for example my project Photography and Yoga, and my collection of Sacred Art Photography Projects.)
Welcome to this project, and after my presentation of selected texts and images, I will share, in my AfterWord, some of my thoughts about my photography as a form of yogic practice and I will present a few additional teachings by Gurumayi and Baba Muktananda.
Regarding how to best to view my Blog published Images: If you are viewing this blog project on a desktop or laptop computer, I encourage you to try view each of the images in what I consider to be the most preferable way via an alternate blog viewing mode that presents my blog-published images in a dark tonal environment, and with a much sharper, luminous and more tonally accurate rendering of the images and the colors compared to that which first appears in the blog's default, published viewing mode. ~ Please read the brief statement below and, if you would like more technical information, I invite you to click on the blue hyperlinked blog page title at the end of the paragraph.
A brief note about "How to Best View My Online Blog Images"
In brief: click on each image once, then once again; this will (hopefully) enlarge the image and present it in a dark tonal environment at its maximum viewing quality possible online. Once you have entered this alternate viewing space you can then use your zoom-in & zoom-out keyboard (or menu) options to adjust the image size, and you can darken or lighten your computer's screen brightness to suit your equipment and viewing preferences. If clicking on the image fails to take you to the alternate view mode, and you would like additional technical information and suggestions, I encourage you to read my blog article: How to Best View My Online Blog Images.
Time has many facets: past, present, and future. Yet it is unending.
When time has become totally still inside you, knowledge arises
within, and you experience the Truth. If you try to catch up
with time, you'll never succeed; time has to become still
for you. And this time, this eternal time, is
the blissful Absolute.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 1)
As soon as you recognize the stillness of the soul, you are no longer
afraid of time. Time becomes timeless. And in the fleeting
moments of your life, you experience eternity.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 21)
Time & Timelessness, Image #1 Symmetrical Photograph (Snowdrift) 21x21" Square Image
The entire universe is clothed in time. Time makes the sun rise
and the night fall. ~ Time is the witness of ignorance.
It also witnesses the merging of the individual soul
into the supreme Soul. The whole universe
revolves around time.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 9)
Time & Timelessness, Image #2 Symmetrical Photograph (Niagara Falls) 21x21" Square Image (visit my 12x12" project Falling Water)
"The supreme Self," the Mahartha Manjari, says, "is eternal, permanent.
It is impermanent only in relation to the destruction of the moment."
[i.e., when time is perceived linearly, dualistically]
For a sage, no moment is ever destroyed. Each moment is
infinite. Each moment merges into eternity.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 29)
Time & Timelessness Image #3 Symmetrical Photograph 18x18" Square Prints (on 20x24"base) "Two flames merging"
You must be vigilant, poised for the divine moment on the threshold
of change, the moment of transition. . . In this divine moment,
you are free. This is the eternal present, the threshold of
renewal and promise. . . . the moment that is divine
with possibility. . . . It is a treasure beyond
compare. Trying to describe this moment
is like trying to capture the morning
mist in a bowl. . . The great ones
live continually in this moment.
The great ones perceive every moment as a miracle
filled with Shakti, with grace.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 10)
In the words of the poet-saint Sundardas:
Time both creates and dissolves.
It seizes us and reduces us to ashes.
It is time that makes us move and walk,
but only in order to lead us astray.
Time summons us and makes us great.
It draws us to the forest
or to the banks of a river.
Sundardas says,
time will vanish as soon as we realize the Self.
As soon as you recognize the stillness of the soul, you are no longer
afraid of time. Time becomes timeless. And in the fleeting
moments of your life, you experience eternity.
Swami Chidvilasananda October 21 Resonate With Stillness
Time & Timelessness Image #5 Symmetrical Photograph 21x21"on 24x24"base) "Dissolution" (visit "Creation-Dissolution of a World")
As the Kundalini fire [Shakti, grace, divine purifying creative energy] burns away
all impurities, the ultimate experience is: everything exists within
this being. . . . There is no longer a barrier within to keep you
away from the experience of time . . . you're able to honor
each moment of time . . . you're able to give yourself to
time. And when you can sacrifice yourself to time,
time sacrifices itself to you; and literally, without
any exaggeration, time stops for you to achieve
what you want to, and then it moves on. Time
becomes your servant.
Then wherever you go, it is the perfect time;
what ever you do, you're doing it at the
perfect time; whatever you say, it is
the perfect time. You are no longer
the slave of time, because you
become the eternal witness;
you become time itself.
Swami Chidvilasananda October 30 Resonate With Stillness
Time & Timelessness Image #6 Symmetrical Photograph 21x21" Square Prints (on 24x24"base) (The Eye of Time, the Eternal Witness)
If you don't think every moment is filled with ambrosia, you haven't seen Siva's play.
You haven't worshiped Siva (God) in the form of the moment--as time,
as infinity, as the eternal sphere, the eternal space.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 15)
What is the purpose of a human life? To know God,
to know the Truth. There is no doubt about this.
One of the scriptures of India says:
All the wealth of the universe cannot purchase even a moment of life.
If a person wastes his precious life, his mistake is unforgivable.
The sages imparted their teachings, their knowledge, without wasting
time or words; they always went straight to the point. They said,
Know the Truth. There is no time to lose. Your life is precious.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 11)
When you perceive the inner light [of the divine Self], it is silvery bright.
As you concentrate on this silvery light that arises within you,
you go beyond that light also. And then you see it is
an ocean of light. ~ You live in the ocean of light,
and this is the timelessness of time. Even though
it may seem that day rolls into night and night
rolls into day, and the days and nights roll
into the weeks and months and years, in
this ocean of light there is everything
and there is nothing. You exist, and
simultaneously, you don't exist.
Live your life in the timelessness of time.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 31)
Part I
Gurumayi Chidvilasanada is a Siddha Guru, one who lives constantly in the conscious awareness of her Oneness with God, the divine Self, Supreme Consciousness, or what is often simply referred to as the Truth.
As I explained earlier the teachings I have selected were among the thirty-one teachings offered in the book Resonate with Stillness for the month of October with the theme title: Time Is the Absolute. There is a section within those 31 statements that pertains to a sub-theme in regards to Time, and that has to do with the experience of Time as Stillness, as Silence . . . as Timelessness. I have selected, below, some additional words from Gurumayi's teachings on these themes (including two relevant teachings from the month of August; after their presentation, I want share with you some thoughts about my practice of making, presenting and contemplating photographs related to Gurumayi's teachings.
In his Amritanubhava, "The Nectar of Self-Awareness,"
the poet-saint Janeshwar Maharaj wrote:
The natural sate of the Self is found at the invisible juncture, the timeless
moment between the fading of the seer and the seen and their
reappearance. It is like that wavering moment when sleep
has just ended, but we have not yet fully awakened.
The state of the inner Self is in every moment, and the
experience of it can be seized at the invisible juncture,
between two thoughts, for example. As one thought
dissolves and another thought arises, there is
always a short interval, a space, and this
is a timeless moment.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 17)
It is very difficult for people to believe in ecstasy. But when
you find the space inside and outside--the timeless time,
the pointless point--and when it becomes a prolonged
space inside and outside, ecstasy is no longer a
concept: it is the experience.
In the beginning, its a practice to find this place inside
where the breath dissolves before it arises, and outside
where the breath dissolves before it arises again. But
later on, you can get in touch with it whenever you
want it, because you know where it is. It has become
your own experience. You don't have to go
looking for it; it's just there.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 20)
In the words of the poet-saint Sundardas:
Time both creates and dissolves.
Sundardas says,
time will vanish as soon as we realize the Self.
As soon as you recognize the stillness of the soul, you are no longer
afraid of time. Time becomes timeless. And in the fleeting
moments of your life, you experience eternity.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (October 21)
From stillness, everything springs forth.
In the depth of your being, great serenity is found.
Divine wisdom is imparted in the silence of
the innermost heart.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (August 10)
Both matter and consciousness arise from silence, the silence
of God, the silence of light. The same profound silence exists
in minerals, plants, and oceans. It also exists at the core
of every living being. . . . It is here, in silence, that the
search for knowledge culminates. When you become
immersed in the stillness of your soul,
you understand everything.
Swami Chidvilasananda Resonate With Stillness (August 11)
Time & Timelessness Image #10 Symmetrical Photograph 18x18" Square Print (on 24x24"base) (The Blue Pearl, the Sacred Lingam or Egg)
Part II
I have chosen symmetrical photographs for this project, and more particularly those images which function for me as True Living Symbols, images which are radiant with grace, images which are "silent with light," images which visually and quite literally articulate the idea of the Oneness of Being--the very essence of the Siddha Yoga teachings. The images, sometimes, also serve as visual metaphors for my personal experiences of the Yogic teachings.
I have had many direct personal experiences of Gurumayi's grace--the divine energy (Shakti) which constantly radiates from her entire Being--since I began practicing Siddha Yoga with Gurumayi in 1987. The experiences as a whole have shared a similar evocative atmosphere of silence, and the sense that time has come to a stop, or a pause. (Visit my project Photography and Yoga)
The only photographs I have made that gets me close to that feeling of divine Presence I have experienced in relation to Gurumayi's physical presence, and her teachings, are those images which I identify as True Living Symbols, images which are radiant with a special kind of light or energy which in Siddha Yoga is often referred to as Grace, or Shakti, the Creative Power of the Universe. When I am contemplating my photographs and I experience my mind becoming still, I often feel as though I have become enveloped in a very sweet kind of Silence pervaded by an ineffable feeling of the sacred, the presence of the Divine. Something in me opens and I become receptive to whatever meaning seems to emerge spontaneously from within this interior space in which I am experiencing timelessness. It is like I have have become engaged in a silent dialogue--deep within my own being--with an ineffable form of knowledge.
In the yoga I practice there are many names for the divine Self, the Oneness of Being. But, it seems that it is grace which determines when I must give my dualistic mind a rest, when I feel the inner necessity to contemplate or meditate. The yogic practices are designed to get me in touch with the all pervasive grace that directs my mind to its real Home: the Heart, that interior place of timelessness. Since I met Gurumayi I have come to the understanding that photography has become for me a yogic practice, a form of meditation in action, a means by which I can contemplate the yogic teachings.
When I read Guruymayi's words above, about the "invisible juncture" in which one can recognize the stillness and the silence of the soul, I was reminded of one other Place in which I have experienced that "Timeless Moment," that realm of "Timelessness" : the space between two photographs. I am very conscious about how I sequence my images within any given project I am working on because I know that certain juxtapositions of images have the potential to generate new, subtle, invisible images in the mind of a viewer which have a great (if subtle) creative energy which can transform one who is receptive this this level of experience. I am convinced that certain images, when placed together, carry on a silent dialogue with each other. When I enter a state of contemplation with these the images I somehow can hear, experience, and absorb the essence of that silent conversation.
The experience of the space between two images is directly related to "the space between two breaths" or "the space between two thoughts" mentioned in the yogic teachings I have quoted above. The revelations that are generated within my consciousness in these transcendent spaces are of a vastly different order of meaning and understanding, one that transcends the limits of human language, the intellect. one's ego.
~ The Seer and the Seen are One ~
There is an ancient yogic text, known as the Shiva Sutra; and Swami Muktananda wrote some fascinating commentaries on selected verses of this remarkable text which have been published (by the SYDA Foundation) in a book entitled Nothing Exists That Is Not Shiva. The title gives us the essence of the primary teachings of this ancient text: that every created thing in our world is pervaded by and is a form of Shiva (God, the divine Self, the supreme Lord).
In Muktananda's commentary of Siva Sutra 1.11 he wrote:
The Self, who is the witness of the waking, dream and deep sleep states, is indeed Siva, the supreme Lord. As witness, the Self enjoys these states without undergoing any change.
Supreme Siva is the real experiencer of all the states. . . . Who but Siva can perceive sense Objects? The One who experiences the external waking world, the internal world of dreams, and the total oblivion of deep sleep, is the supreme Lord. By remaining constantly aware of the witness of the three states and their phenomena, a seeker finds the place of turiya.*
[*Turiya is--in Siddha Yoga terms--the fourth or transcendent state beyond waking, dream and deep-sleep states, in which the true nature of Reality is directly perceived].
Both the seer and the seen are the same supreme Consciousness. The relationship of the senses and the sense objects is this: while the senses perceive, delight in, and act on their respective objects, Siva is the experience and Siva is what is experienced. One who plunges into the inner Self with this knowledge and with a still mind becomes God [Siva].
Here's Muktananda's comment on Siva Sutra 3.10 :
[Siva] becomes the stage, the actors, and the costumes . . . The inner Self is the place where Siva enacts the scenes [in the great Play of Consciousness] . . . He appears as separate entities . . . He transmigrates from one life-form to another in various births.
And in his comment on Siva Sutra 3.11 Muktananda writes:
The senses are the spectators who watch the Self stage the drama of the universe in the theater of one's own being. His inner experience teaches him that the whole world springs from his own Self. His sense of differences dissolved, He rises to the awareness "I am Siva."
The Roundness, the Oneness of Being
the Timelessness, the Heart
of the
Symmetrical Photographs
~ those which function for me as True Living Symbols ~
Muktananda's statement "His inner experience teaches him that the whole world springs from his own Self"** is especially interesting to me in regard to the symmetrical images I have included in this project. From the time I began making the "four-fold image constructions"* I had the distinct sense that they, essentially, were "round" or "circular" and at timed spherica imsges. I understood that they were quite literally Sacred* images, images about a Unitary reality, images about the Oneness of Being.
*Note: I started making symmetrical photographs in 2011 following my travels through Turkey where I encountered many forms of Islamic Sacred Art which awakened me to a new understanding of the term "Sacred Art". Visit my photography project "An Imaginary Book", in particular the chapter entitled "Prayer Stones".
(**I had a very dramatic "inner experience" associated with "the whole world springs from his own Self" when I visited the Grand Canyon several year ago. I invite you to read the detailed account of my Seeing the Grand Canyon.)
In the past two years, while I was making my new inkjet prints, and in particular the Books consisting of 12x12" inkjet prints, I initiated changing the formatting of the symmetrical images from their original blog-published longer-rectangular-formatted imagery to the 12x12" square format, and then later the 18x18" and 21x21" formats which you have been seeing in this project. I have been quite satisfied with (when possible) converting the original symmetrical images into square images. They have become almost literally "round" images, which for me are the appropriate format for the transcendent concepts I have been striving to give visual form to: the Oneness of Being; "the Roundness of Being," a phrase Gaston Bachelard used in his book, the Poetics of Space, regarding what he calls the "Phenomenology of Roundness"; and "the sphere of eternity," the phrase Gurumayi used in one of the quotes above, and repeated here below:
If you don't think every moment is filled with ambrosia, you haven't seen Siva's play.
You haven't worshiped Siva (God) in the form of the moment--as time,
as infinity, as the eternal sphere, the eternal space.
Each symmetrical image is, for me, a unified visual world; and if it functions for me as a True, Living Symbol it also serves me as a form of worship and an expression of gratitude for the grace that has manifested in my creative process and my life as a whole. I am always surprised and often amazed at the degree of transformation that occurs from the construction process of creating them from a single repeated mirrored image.
Symmetrical images are constructed from one "straight" photographic image copied four times and seamlessly conjoined such that each image is mirrored in itself both above & below and left & right. Many of the symmetrical images (those that function for me as True, Living Symbols) invoke in me Gurumayi's teaching that Time is God, Time is Infinity, Time is the Eternal Sphere, Time is the Eternal Space.
(See my project Infinity)
When the symmetrical images achieve a level of articulateness such that I experience them as True Living Symbols, the feeling I have, related to Time . . . is the sense that linear, dualistic time has become transformed or dissolved and I experience a deep sense of inner stillness, or silence. The feeling seems to emerge from a vast space within me, a space that feels as if it has always existed within me.
True, Living Symbols can also invoke in me a gentle but deep presence of joy or love which seems to just bubble up unexpectedly from that vast space within myself. The yogic saints tell us the Heart is the the dwelling Place of God, the divine Self; and they teach that the same one Self exits in every human Heart.
Sometimes True Living Symbols will invoke in me not only the feeling experience of a divine Presence, but more particularly the feeling on an Angelic Presence. The writings of Henry Corbin and Tom Cheetham have influenced me in this regard, and I highly recommend their writings. (See my caption below this image:
This is a perfect example of an image that, for me, is pervaded by what I call Angelic Presence.
If this idea interests you, please visit this the following link which will introduce
you to the ideas and writings of Henry Corbin and Tom Cheetham:
Contemplating True, Living Symbols
I have mentioned the word contemplation several times in this project. It is something that comes naturally to me in relation to certain images I resonate to with real enthusiasm. I will often spontaneously take the image into some deep place within me and allow the contemplation process unfold--in silence--of their own volition. The contemplation process is very similar to the yogic practice of meditation and it yields understandings or meanings in ways that words cannot approach. It is, according to the yogic sages, a kind of transcendent Knowledge which originates from what the ancienct yogic sages call Supreme Consciousness or the divine Self. (Before I met Gurumayi Carl Jung was a major influence in regards to the idea of a Symbolic Photograph. He wrote about the Self as the whole, the core of the psyche, the Creative Unconscious. Also, Jung's writings about Synchronicity are profoundly relevant to my creative process in photography and the idea of the Symbolic Photograph.)
Contemplation is not interpretation of an image; it is not commentary on an image; it is an internal process that happens spontaneously, with grace; the process can be initiated intentionally when one knows how to prepare oneself to enter a mode of being that allows the contemplator to become fully absorbed in an image. Contemplation works (for me) only with images that are functioning for me as True, Living Symbols. I have written a blog page with some general instructions on contemplation and I invite you to visit the page: Contemplating Symbolic Photographs.
_____________________ Epilogue______________________
This project has come out of an inner need to find some way of dealing with the terrifying events that have followed the 2024 election of Donald Trump as president of the United States. I write this on January 30, 2025 a few days after my daughter's birthday, ten days after Donald Trump was "sworn in." I fear for our daughter, her husband and our grandchild; and I fear for our son, his wife and our other grandchild . . . what they may have to endure in the near and distant future as the Trump Administration (and Elon Musk) is systematically breaking the laws and the Sacred nature of the document we know as the Constitution of the United States of America. The situation appears to be unfolding into a "hostile takeover."
I have been reading Heather Cox Richardson's subtrack, Letters from an American A Newsletter about the history behind today's politics and she has courageously and articulately explained what is happening in our country on a daily basis, and then places those events in the context of the history of this country and its brave experiment known as Democracy. I have--at the same time--been taking refuge in the yogic teachings. This project on Time has helped me in large measure to continue the process of returning to my center, my Heart, my Self . . for I have, indeed, from time-to-time, let the outer play of the world to distract me from the higher Truth, the higher kind of wisdom, the higher kind of vision in which I can recognize what is happening before me in Maya's time--in linear, dualistic time linear, dualistic time--is Siva's (God's) Play, a drama in which Siva is the script writer, the director, every actor, all the costumes, the audience, the stage-light and the actual stage upon which Siva's Play (The Play of Consciousness) is being presented . . . . . .
Looking deeply into Gurumayi's 2025 New Year's Message on Time via the texts and photographs in this project has been for me quite an eye opener and quite a Heart opener. It has helped me find a way to view the "outer play" with some witnessing detachment and understanding. The grace of Gurumayi's teachings has always been transformational for me. And, despite the apparent darkness of the drama playing out before me, I am still able to find the light that exists deep within me, within my own Heart; that same light which I believe still exists (if hidden) within the True Heart of our country as a whole, no matter how divided it appears to be at this time in history.
Thus, it is with great gratitude that I concluded this project, first with a few text excerpts from a talk Gurumayi gave on June 29, 1989 entitled The Sands of Time which was published in the #115 issue of Darshan (a SYDA Foundation monthly publication, dated October 1996), then, with prayers and blessings, I present (unedited) the last few paragraphs of her powerful, grace-filled talk:
Time is a big eye. It watches everything. It knows everything.
So watch out for time. According to the way you keep
yourself, time will help you or not help you.
All the saints say that the purpose of the eyes is to see the Lord; it
is for the darshan [the visionary experience] of the Truth. The eyes,
the senses, can either wallow in illusion or make an
attempt to perceive the Truth.
The Wisdom of the wise ones reveals the Truth. Though Life is fleeting,
nothing is ever really destroyed. At the final stage, the Cosmic Mind
reabsorbs creation into itself . . .
Gurumayi concludes her talk The Sands of Time with these words:
The knowers of the Truth perceive this entire universe as divine Consciousness. An ordinary person sees flesh and bones, dust and gold, and is overwhelmed by various emotions. To the enlightened perception, however, all these are merely different waves in the one ocean of Consciousness.
The whole point is not to become stuck in one thing or another, in one being or another--but simply to take life as it comes. All of life is grace. The entire universe has sprung forth out of the divine mind, divine Consciousness.
The Yoga Vasistha says:
Just as the ocean endlessly heaves billows of different shapes,
All beings are endlessly reborn in various forms
In the vast ocean of time.
Time is unflinching. Everyone is born and everyone dies in time. It is time that gives birth to all things and time that devours them. Because of time, a child grows old. Because of time, death is unexpected. Time unceasingly makes everything happen and also brings it to a stop. It's all a matter of time. Therefore respect time. Use time very well.
With great respect and with great love, I welcome you all, with all my heart.
This project was first published & announced on
my blog's Welcome Page
February 1, 2024
Related Blog Project Links
Published December 23, 2024; this is a revised and updated blog project page dedicated to all of my 2023-2024 Inkjet Print Projects
The link above includes the 21x21, 18x18, 16x20 & 12x12" collections of inkjet prints and more
This link includes all of the 12x12" Books and Projects.
Please visit the Welcome Page to my blog The Departing Landscape. It includes the complete hyperlinked listing of my online photography projects dating from the most recent to those dating back to the 1960's. You will also find on the Welcome Page my resume, contact information . . . and much more.