
BOOK 10 : A Collection of 12x12" inkjet prints

    Book Ten  
     A Collection of 12x12" Inkjet Print Photographs   
     Selected & Printed from my Blog Image Archives in September, 2024

I completed tw0 12x12" inkjet print PROJECT's in August 2024: Picture Window / Window Pictures and my New Camera-Work PhotographsWith nothing burning in mind for a next new project I decided to go back over my Blog's Digital Image Archive and see if there were more pictures I liked well enough to print for inclusion in my 2023-2024 Inkjet Print Project.   

(Note: The blog 12x12" Books were created to serve as an online documentation of all the prints I have made recently, for my 2023-2024 Inkjet Print Project, which is intended create a Print Archive of my favorite blog project images which have been created since 2011 or so.)

As with all the previous nine Inkjet Print Book projects, the photographs collected here below were randomly chosen (no formal, subject matter or conceptual themes were in mind) from my vast Blog Projects Digital Image Archive.  All of the images in this project now exist as 12x12" formatted inkjet prints with surrounding (varying) tonal mattes.  After the prints were made, and I began the process of preparing the images for publication of this blog page, I have--where it seemed to make sense--placed some images together for various reasons whichI have explained in the texts or project links included under the pictures and their image number, project title (Book Ten), and a brief, usually descriptive title. 

More pictures may be added to this project at a later date.  And, on the other hand, this could possibly be the last 12x12" Book in my 2023-2024 Inkjet Print Project.  ~  I have at least two more thematic 12x12" inkjet print PROJECTS in mind to make yet.  I will have to be patient and--with gratitude--allow the grace of my Creative Process to inform me when to stop printing my older images.         

A brief note about "How to Best View My Online Blog Images" 
If you are viewing this project on a desktop computer or a laptop, I encourage you to read my blog explanation regarding How to Best View My Online Blog Images.  In brief, click on the images once, then once again; this will (hopefully) enlarge the image and present it in a dark tonal environment at its maximum viewing quality in terms of image sharpness, luminance, tonal gradations, etc.  Once you have entered this alternate viewing space you can then use your zoom-in & zoom-out keyboard (or menu) options to adjust the image size, and darken or lighten your computer's screen brightness to suit your equipment and viewing preferences.   

  Book Ten    
 (Part One)   
       A Collection of 12x12" Inkjet Print Photographs   
     Selected & Printed from my Image Archives in September, 2024

Image #1  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Pompeii Plaza (in homage to Georgio Morandi's Still Life paintings)
This image (and #3,& #4 as well, has been blurred in the printing process.
And because of its light gray tonalities I identify the images as part of my Faint Photographs.

Image #2  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Encased Pompeii Figure (A "Quirky" Photograph)

Image #3  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Angel's Head  (look up)

Image #4  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Vatican Head (looking down)
Visit my 2007 project Italy

Image #5  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Maya's Veils
Visit my project: Maya's Veils of Illusion

Image #6  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Smiling Garage (with a "hat" on its top)
Visit my 12x12" Project Quirky Photographs; also my Garage Project

Image #7  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Solarized Leaf and Negative Photo-collage 

Image #8  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Glowing Tree  (Faint photograph)

Image #9  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
Tree Limb (Faint photograph)
Visit my project In the Woods

Image #10  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
12x12" North Meadow Photograph  (Fall, early morning ground fog)

Image #11  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints  
12x12" North Meadow Photograph  (Deck view, w round table, bird feeder, early morning fog)

Image #12  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
12x12" Meadow Photograph (Radiant golden storm cloud)

Image #13  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints 
12x12" South Meadow Photograph (Warm lights above trees & South Pond) 

Image #14  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   
12x12" South Meadow & Pond Photograph 

Image #15  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
"Falling Leaves" from my 1988-89 project Milwaukee River Songs 

Image #16  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Succulent Plant on Basement Window Sill (A Pandemic Inspired Photograph)

Image #17  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Four garlics laid out to dry  (A Pandemic Inspired Photograph) 
Visit my 12x12" Pandemic Inspired Project

Image #18  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Painted Green House Window, Frosted over, with Ice & two drawn circles

Image #19  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
 Memphis Airport (with two figures riding escalators)  A Walkabout & Window Photograph : 

Image #20  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Snow Covered Picture Window Photograph (with snow covered Meadow paths in the background)

Image #22  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Morandi Inspired Still Life Photograph (Highlight on metal compost bucket & flower painted tray)

Image #23  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Morandi Inspired Still Life Photograph (greek column with basket & flower decorated cloth)

Image #24  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Trees in water, Nature Reserve near Memphis

Image #25  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Sunlight on a garden path (Quirky Photograph)

Image #26  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints  
Blue fish (mouth open) in Green water  (A Quirky Photograph)

Image #27  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints   (A Quirky Photograph)
Lamp Light on our vaulted ceiling (the image was made on a full moon night)

Image #28  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Lamp light near the corner of a room
Visit my 12x12" PROJECT Quirky Photographs

Image #29  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Phone Booth, Memphis Airport  (A Circle & Walkabout Photograph) 

Image #30  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Storefront window with hanging circular sign

Image #31  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Suspended Frame in black space

Image #32  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Snow covered Christmas Tree laid on its side

Image #33  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Firey cloud at sunset over the Meadow and woods 

Image #34  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Early morning snow covered plants

Image #35  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
A single juice glass on an empty dish rack

Symmetrical Photographs

Image #36  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph: Abstract Illumination for an Imaginary Book

Image #37  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph : "Angel of Tears" (12x12 version with small surrounding matte)

Image #38  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph : from my Blue Pearl Project

Image #39  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph from my Blue Pearl Project  (Broad Brook Stones, Blue Water Pool)

Image #40  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph : (Blue Pearl, Cosmic Egg, Lingam)  

Image #41  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph (Plastic Hangers)

Image #42  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph : Icicles hanging down behind a screened window

Image #43  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph : Tops of Corn Plants & Sly

Image #44  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph :  Ancient marble Column pieces in a mineral pool, Turkey

Image #45  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph :  Light flashes in a mirror

Image #46  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph :  Cement crusted surface of a mausoleum

Image #47  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
B&W Studies Symmetrical Photograph : Car on Road behind tree branches

Image #48  Book Ten 12x12" Inkjet Prints
Symmetrical Photograph : Flower Icon (Pink petals; yellow & red center, 8 spall bulbs, 4 Large) 


             This project was first announced on 
       my bog's Welcome Page on
         September 5, 2024


Related Blog Project Links

How to Best View My Online Blog Images  with your desktop or laptop computer.    

A Personal History of Photography  An Illustrated, annotated chronology projects, stories, remembrances

Please visit the Welcome Page to my blog The Departing Landscape.  It includes the complete hyperlinked listing of my online photography projects dating from the most recent to those dating back to the 1960's.  You will also find on the Welcome Page my resume, contact information . . . and much more.