
The complete Collection Inkjet Print Projects 12xx12" & LARGER

The 2023-24
Inkjet Prints Projects

The complete collection of 12x12" Inkjet Print Studies
(N0n-thematic Collections of images)
(Thematic Collections of images)


LARGER Sized Inkjet Print Projects

The nine 12x12" Studies BOOKS listed below are digital (blog) collections of the 12x12" inkjet print images I have made of some of my most favorite photographs I have selected from my many photography blog projects I created from the late 1960's to the present time. Every image you will see in these blog collections, or BOOKS, exist a high quality, archival inkjet prints. I qualify the images I have chosen to print by saying by saying they are 12x12" versions of the images originally made for past projects and published in my blog as titled blog projects. The BOOKS do not deal with particular themes, though within each collection there may be clusters of images that relate to each other in various ways, such as subject matter, formal issues, conceptual themes, etc. Many of the 12x12" inkjet print images may differ in format, from the earlier versions if they were made in longer formats.
If I wanted to print images in their longer format I have placed those images in my LARGER SIZED inkjet print projects (which can be seen by clicking on the link so titled below).

Please Note: most (but not all) of the 12x12" images in the BOOK and PROJECT collections can be printed larger than 12x12" ranging from 15x15" to, in some cases, 18x18" and larger. Nearly all of the 12x12" symmetrical images can be printed to 21x21".

12x12" Studies Photographs Book ONE, May-June, 2023

12x12" Studies Photographs Book TWO, July 7, 2023


The "12x12 Studies" images are surrounded by a tonal matte, in many cases 2" on all four sides of an 8x8" square image, and in other cases the matte may be as small as 1/2 inch on all four sides surrounding an 11x11" square image. I consider the matte an important, integral part of the 12x12" image, and I have written about the mattes in several BOOK introductions, including the Introduction to my first Book of 12x12" inkjet photographs, and the Introduction to my project: The Pandemic Inkjet Prints. 

* * *

The 12x12" Studies PROJECTS listed below differ from the BOOKS in that each project deals with a particular theme. All of the PROJECT images exist as 12x12" inkjet prints. Each project's introductory text discusses the thematic issues announced in the title.


I love the 12x12" square format print size for the way it insists on a viewer's closer, more intimate and concentrated engagement with the image.  But of course some photographs for various reasons work better at larger sizes.  I invite you to visit the following link which includes several projects and collections of larger sized inkjet prints, and in many cases, rectangular in format inkjet prints.  The print began in mid-February 2023, following my purchase of a new Epson P6000 printer in January, 2023, then five eye surgeries that followed.  By mid-February I was able to being using the new printer and have been focusing most of my creative energies on creating the prints for this more physical archive of my photography to compliment the blog versions of my work my creative project.  Here is the link to all of the LARGER inkjet print collections and projects made over the past two years (2023-2024).  


This project page was published in mid-December, 2023 
and revised and published February 1, 2024  

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